Black Political Thought


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Mitt Romney to Suspend Campaign Operations

This is music to my ears and a deathknell to conservatives such as Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. Mitt Romney will announce his decision to quit the race for the nominee of the Republican party today. Praise God Almighty, we’re free from Mitt Romney at last!

Read on…..

Breaking news reports have surfaced saying that Mitt Romney will drop out of the Republican presidential race during his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday, FOX News has confirmed. Romney is “suspending” his campaign and will say so “during his speech,” a top aide told FOX News.

Romney has steadily lost ground over the past few weeks to John McCain, whose victories on Super Tuesday made a comeback for Romney extremely difficult. McCain is leading Romney by more than 3-1 in the delegate count, and Romney also was losing ground to Mike Huckabee, who picked up nearly as many victories as he did on Super Tuesday.

Wasn’t he telling Huckabee to drop out of the race because he was taking votes from him? I think it was the other way around–he was taking votes from Huckabee. No matter how you slice the cake, no one wants to vote for a Mormon to be President of the USA.

Good riddance….. Hillary Clinton may be next since she is obviously having problems raising funds. Ann Coulter, it’s time to step up to the plate and help Hillary Clinton out. She needs help raising money to beat Obama in the rest of the primaries and caucuses.

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity

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  1. msladydeborah says:

    This is going to make things real interesting on the GOP’s side don’t you think?

    Coulter is either going to have to have at it with McCain or actually support Hillary. And it would be nice if she gave her new found political girlfriend some funds.

    I am going to be paying close attention to how this impacts the GOP folks.