Black Political Thought


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Focus on the Family Action Pulls "Pray for Rain" on Obama Video

I am constantly amazed at the lengths some people will go to voice their dissatisfaction of Barack Obama and even John McCain. Focus on the Family Action pulled a video from its Web site that asked people to pray for “rain of biblical proportions” during Barack Obama’s Aug. 28 appearance at Invesco Field in Denver to accept the Democratic nomination for president.

Stuart Shepard, director of digital media at Focus Action, the political arm of Focus on the Family, said the video he wrote and starred in was meant to be “mildly humorous.” According to media reports, complaints from about a dozen Focus members convinced the organization to pull the video.

“Pray for Rain” was one of Shepard’s weekly video commentaries that appear on, Focus Action’s Web site. According to Breitbart, most of “Pray for Rain,” which lasted less than three minutes, showed a lighthearted Shepard at Invesco Field asking viewers to pray for “torrential” rain during Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.”I’m talking ‘umbrella-ain’t-going-to-help-you rain,'” he said on the video.

The video’s point, Shepard said, is that in his view Obama has not clearly stated his stances on abortion and gay marriage, important themes within the Christian right. So, does that mean you pray for torrential rains that could wreak havoc on innocent people? “I’m still pro life, and I’m still in favor of marriage as being between one man and one woman,” Shepard said in the video. “And I would like the next president who will select justices for the next Supreme Court to agree.”

You may see clips of the video above. This presidential election has brought the worst out in so many people and on so many levels.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Focus on the Family Action, John McCain, Stuart Shephard