Black Political Thought


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Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Takes the Low Road, Says Obama is a Mediocre Orator

Black Political Thought’s Idiot of the Week: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

U.S. Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver has said that many Americans are misguided in thinking that a Barack Obama win would settle the race discussion in America. What an idiot! Did Obama ever say that we could settle this over the course of his term as President, if elected? Racism has been so ingrained in the American landscape that it cannot be undone over a short period of time. Like him or hate him, Obama has shown that you can transcend race. Isn’t Cleaver proof that we have made progress? This is coming from the same person who made comments tot he Canadian Broadcasting Corporation recently calling Obama a “mediocre” orator. Look at who is talking. At least Obama’s appearances have drawn massive crowds. Evidently his diction is not as horrible as John McCain’s or grating as Hillary Clinton’s, or mediocre as his.

Cleaver said he thought the Illinois senator will win the Democratic presidential nomination, but that doesn’t mean the work will be done trying to improve race relations in America. “I think whites would say, ‘How could anybody say we were racist, that we have any racist residue when you look what we just did (potentially electing Obama)?’ And African Americans would say, ‘Look at what we just did. So now we ought to have unblocked access to all of our dreams, all of our hopes,’” Cleaver said. He added that whites sometimes think that saying an African-American is “articulate” is a compliment, but in actuality it is symptomatic of latent low expectations.“If you will remember earlier, one of the senators here referred to Senator Obama as ‘articulate.’ And I’ve never heard someone refer to Senator Clinton as articulate. I’ve never heard it,” he said. Isn’t this a load of crap? This is an elected official who his constituents have entrusted with the job of representing them nationally and internationally as needs be.
Cleaver told the CBC over the weekend that while Obama is articulate, “in that black tradition, he would probably be mediocre.” At first denying to FOX News that he ever called Obama “mediocre,” the congressman cited other legendary black orators and stood by his views that Obama wouldn’t rate, even compared to his own controversial pastor, Jeremiah Wright.”When you consider the great African American orators, Senator Obama may not even measure up as I wouldn’t,” he said. Was this really necessary? These people just can’t accept the fact that Obama is making waves and venturing into territory that many have been unable to do.

You may not agree with some of Obama’s positions, but to call him a mediocre orator is insulting. Cleaver in my opinion is probably jealous that he could never do what Obama has done in a million years. If you can’t disagree with Obama’s positions, don’t resort to making it personal and about race. This was a dirty act by Rep. Cleaver. Once again, another Hillary Clinton supporter taking the low road. In my opinion, he’s Black Political Thought’s idiot of the week. Just my thoughts, you be the judge….

Filed under: Barack Obama, Emanuel Cleaver, Hillary Clinton, Presidential Elections