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Poland has been Forced to Deny Radek Sikorski, Foreign Minister, ‘Joked’ that Barack Obama’s Grandparents were Cannibals

Photo: UK Telegraph

Barack Obama’s historic win in the presidential election has opened my eyes to a lot of things. First of all, it gives our young people across this country, especially African Americans, Latinos, Americans of Indian, Asian descent, and many other ethnicities, hope that they can dare to dream. The flip side is the election has brought out so much racism, both here in the United States and overseas. The latest racist smear against Barack Obama comes courtesy of Poland, which could potentially strain relations between the country and Washington. Radek Sikorski, an Oxford-educated politician who has lived in the US, was reported to have made the jibe by an opposition politician, Ryszard Czarnecki.

Writing in his blog, Mr Czarnecki, an MEP, quoted the foreign minister as saying: “Have you heard that Obama may have a Polish connection? His grandfather ate a Polish missionary.”

A spokesman for the Polish foreign office conceded that Mr Sikorski had made the controversial comment, but denied that the foreign minister had intended to insult Mr Obama, whose father was Kenyan.

“Mr Sikorski did not tell a racist joke,” said Piotr Paszkowski, the spokesman. “He was only giving an example of the unpalatable and racist ‘jokes’ that surround President Elect Obama.” Source: U.K. Telegraph

Everyone’s a comedian nowadays. According to the U.K. Telegraph, Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, has made no comment on the affair. It appears that Mr Sikorski’s position is not under threat despite calls from opposition politicians for an investigation to deter if the foreign minister broke anti-racism laws.

What a bunch of idiots. Again, is this the best Poland could do? Don’t they have bigger issues to worry about? Like Russia breathing down their back. Say what you will, Barack Obama will still become the next President of the United States.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Cannibalism, Donald Tusk, Poland, Radek Sikorski