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Joaquin Phoenix Appearance on the David Letterman Show was Unsettling

Is it me or is this video of Joaquin Phoenix’ visit on David Letterman weird? He appears stunned, bored and grumpy all rolled into one. For whatever reason, he obviously did not want to be there on the show.

He was, I guess, attempting to promote his new film “Two Lovers,” but he refused to participate as Letterman tried to pull him out of what he must think is a drug stupor. He mumbled that he has not even watched his own movie and refused to set up the video promotion that Letterman is willing to show the audience.

Personally, he looked totally ridiculous. He came out with mysterious sunglasses and a dirty beard like a Blues Brothers caricature. Letterman began by asking Phoenix about his beard, a question the actor said makes him “feel weird.” All down hill from there.

Well, this is weird and what’s funny is that there are folks who continue to put people like Joaquin Phoenix on a pedestal.

Filed under: David Letterman Show, Joaquin Phoenix, Two Lovers Movie, Weird