Black Political Thought


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Shock Jock Don Imus Says He has Stage II Prostate Cancer

Well, Don Imus is in the news again. He announced on his radio show this morning that he has stage II prostate cancer. The disclosure was made on his radio show at around 7:30 a.m.

He told his listeners he has full faith “his doctors will beat it,” but did not say when he would start treatment. “The day you find out is fine,” he said. “But the next morning when you get up, your knees are shaking. I didn’t think I could make it to work.”

Imus works now for the ABC Radio Networks and rural RFD-TV after being fired by CBS Radio and MSNBC in spring 2007 for referring to the Rutgers University womens basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.”

Filed under: Don Imus, Nappy-headed Hos, Rutgers University Women Basketball Team, Stage II Prostate Cancer

Don Imus Comes Under Fire for Race Comment About Adam ‘Pacman’ Jones Arrest

Once again, shock jock Don Imus is in the news again. This time Imus has drawn fire for race comment. During an on-air conversation Monday about the arrests of suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam “Pacman” Jones, Imus asked, “What color is he?” He was told by sports announcer Warner Wolf that Jones is “African-American,” Imus responded: “There you go. Now we know.”

Of course, civil rights leader Al Sharpton, forgetting his own financial mess which now involves the feds, has issued a statement calling the exchange “disturbing because it plays into stereotypes.” He says his National Action Network will decide in the next day or so whether to take any action.

Imus was fired from his previous show last year after he made a racially charged comment about the Rutgers women’s basketball team. The last thing we need is this mess from Imus again. More to come, I am sure. Don Imus is an idiot for thinking that he could make comments of this nature again and get away with it. I have to admit that Pacman Jones is a wayward soul who does not deserve the time of day because of his behavior, but come on Don Imus, get real. I knew he would put his foot in his mouth again. Today he’s trying to clean up his comments by saying that he was on “our” side. Since when do we need help from Imus? If he had qualified his statements when he first made the comment, then I am sure there would be no fall-out and dust-up.

So, while we attack Don Imus for his comments, let us also be mindful of the insulting and despicable comments Shaquille O’Neal made in his freestyle diss of Kobe Bryant. If we are going to come out in droves when Imus makes derogatory comments, let us do the same when we do it. Shaq claims to be a role model to young black men, but I wonder if he ever stopped to think that being a role model means more than just giving money to charity.

Filed under: Don Imus, Pacman Jones, Rev. Al Sharpton