Black Political Thought


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Fox News Host Glenn Beck Launches ‘Comrade Update for ‘Communist Leader Obama’

Fox News and Glenn Beck have lost their minds. Am I surprised? No. So now they are openly calling President Obama a communist leader. I wonder what was President George W. Bush’s title? Judge for yourself.

Beck is no stranger to controversy and he is on the right cable news station to push the envelope ad nauseum. For example, he reported as true the idea floated on that a program the Obama administration is reportedly considering should be called the “Bad Asset Repository Fund.” Without noting that the reported program has not in fact been named, Beck then ridiculed the creators of the nonexistent name for failing to recognize that the acronym is “BARF.”

But the January 29 article that referenced the acronym BARF did not attribute it to the Obama administration, as Beck suggested. In fact, in the article — titled “Here Comes the BARF” — reporter Liz Moyer specifically noted that “[t]hey haven’t named it yet” before going on to write that it “would be truth in advertising” to call “a federal ‘bad bank’ to soak up toxic assets the Bad Asset Repository Fund.” (Source: Media Matters). So, the last person I would seek to learn from is Glenn Beck.

Filed under: Communist Leader, Fox News Channel, Glen Beck, President Barack H. Obama

Toby Keith Puts His Foot in His Mouth, Says Obama Doesn’t Sound Black

Country music is not my cup of tea, but I have heard of Toby Keith before and I understand that he is a pretty good singer. He made some seemingly controversial comments about Barack Obama on conservative nutjob Glen Beck’s radio show. He told Beck that “black people would say” of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, that “he don’t talk, act, or carry himself as a black person.” “What does that even mean?” Asks Beck.”Well, I don’t know what that means, I’m saying that’s what I think that they would say,” Keith responds. “Even though black society would pull for him I still think that they think in the back of their mind that the only reason he is in is because he talks, acts, and carries himself as a Caucasian.”

Okay, people, what is acting black? Does every black person who speaks perfect English have to be labeled as sounding white? Does every educated black person in America have to be accused of trying to be white? Totally ridiculous. Okay, so using Toby Keith’s logic, he doesn’t speak like the Caucasians I know. One could say he sounds country, like a “hillbilly,” (for the record, I am not calling him a hillbilly), but is that representative of whites in America? No. So, let’s leave this not sounding black mess behind. I think people are forgetting that Barack Obama’s mother was a white woman. Hello people!

Listen to clip from show, CLICK HERE.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Glen Beck, John McCain, Toby Keith

Washington Post Journalist Says Barack Obama More White than Black

I came across this article on Think Progress website and I must say that it is amazing at how we quantify race in this country. According the Think Progress, during a web chat, a questioner noted that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) has launched a new presidential campaign television ad, claiming it is “playing up his white family.” “Until now he’s been ‘African American;’ now suddenly he’s a white Midwesterner?” wrote the questioner. He or she then asked Post reporter Jonathan Weisman if Obama would be “criticized” for allegedly changing his image. Weisman responded by saying Obama’s “great irony” is that he “is much more white than black“:

Alexandria, Va. commenter: Obama’s new ad (which plays a lot in Alexandria) shows pictures of his mother and grandparents, playing up his white family. Until now he’s been “African American”; now suddenly he’s a white Midwesterner? During the primary Hillary was criticized for changing her image too many times. Won’t Obama be criticized for doing the same thing?

Jonathan Weisman: I haven’t heard that criticism, but it is striking. Not a single picture of his father. Now, that really is consistent with his upbringing. He really did not become immersed in black American culture until he left college and went to Chicago. The great irony is that he is much more white than black, beyond skin color.

Another questioner told Weisman, “I would caution against making statements such as ‘he’s more white than black,’” adding, “The problem is that this is a discussion the media (and perhaps society) is not familiar with, and consequently generalizes in a rather simplistic fashion.” Seeming to recognize his error, Weisman responded, “I expected this response, and I defer to you.”

This is truly unfortunate that as a Washington Post reporter, Weisman’s rhetoric is echoing that of right-wing nutjobs like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Beck once described Obama as “colorless” and said that “as a white guy…you don’t notice that he is black. So he might as well be white.” In 2007, Limbaugh said Obama should “renounce” his race and “become white.” Nearly a year later, he claimed that “Obama has disowned his white half. He’s decided he’s got to go all in on the black side.”

The levels some people sink to is really unconscionable, but a journalist is supposed to be fair and balanced (not Fox News’ interpretation, at least). Isn’t Barack Obama’s father black and his mother white? So, how is he more white than black? Totally ridiculous and insulting comments coming from a journalist at an establishment with so much history and respect as the Washington Post. Just my thoughts, you be the judge….

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Glen Beck, Jonathan Weissman, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Think Progress