Black Political Thought


Just another weblog

Barack Obama’s O-Force One, Nothing Short of Grand

I came across an article on CBS News “From the Road” blog. It talks about Barack Obama’s new campaign plane being nothing short of grand. The front cabin of the Boeing 757 was retrofitted to install four individual chairs that resemble La-Z-Boys. Nothing wrong with that. They added that they are free-standing and made of plush leather with pockets on the side. There is also a booth which seats four for a meeting or a meal. Hmmm, so?

Here’s what will undoubtedly irk Obama’s critics–His chair has his name and campaign logo embroidered on the back top — “Obama ‘08” on one line and “President” underneath. Is that a tad bit too presumptuous to have the word president below? It reminds me of the presidential seal issue that seemed a bit presumptuous to me.

Enter John McCain’s smaller 737. In McCain’s spacious first class area, there are 12 plush leather seats for the candidate, his wife and senior staffers. The “straight talk” area features a long leather bench and another first class seat which McCain sits in when he talks to the press – or would, if he used the area.

The campaign planes are no big deal to me, but I can see the critics complaining that BarackObama is a little too cocky. I am sure Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh will be foaming at the mouth over silly issues such as this. A word of caution to Barack Obama, the last time a Democrat was so sure that they would win the White House was John Kerry, and he lost to a moron, President Bush. He should also be mindful of the fact that he was expected to win handily in New Hampshire, but Hillary Clinton eked out a win. Modesty is the name of the game Obama. We have more important issues to talk about and both candidates need to be pressed on how they would help the middle-class in America, who are being squeezed in every direction.

Filed under: Barack Obama, John McCain, O-Force One