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Caroline Kennedy Backs Out of NY Senate Race, Undisclosed Problems Loom, Kennedygate Scandal Brewing

Caroline Kennedy was naive to think that she could just coast through and get Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, in part, due to her name. Well, she was sadly mistaken. She has reportedly withdrawn her name from consideration for the Senate seat due to “personal reasons.” Well, something doesn’t smell right in Camelot. According to the NY Daily News, she is dealing with a “tax problem and a potential nanny issue.” Here’s the crazy part, did Ms. Kennedy really think that these issues would fly under the radar? Didn’t she see how President Barack Obama was raked over the coal for his relationships with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Mr. Ayers? I guess this speaks to her naivete.

“She was facing some potentially embarrassing personal issues” that came up during the vetting process, the source said, adding that the governor had decided she was not up to the job anyway. Kennedy cited “personal reasons” when she released a terse one-sentence statement announcing she was quitting her Senate bid.

A source close to Kennedy insists she quit because her husband, Edward Schlossberg, decided he didn’t want her to move to Washington. “He basically said it would destroy the marriage if she moved to D.C.,” said the source, who spoke to Kennedy and Schlossberg Thursday.

In a round of interviews several weeks ago, Kennedy said her family supported her Senate bid and denied her marriage was on the rocks. The source close to her said, as it appeared Paterson could choose her in the next few days, Scholssberg became increasingly uncomfortable. “He’s kind of a controlling guy and I think they’ve [been] doing the same thing for many years and he’s comfortable with that,” the source said. Source: NY Daily News

This latest dustup involving Ms. Kennedy is no coincidence. Her rollout was terribly botched. She was clearly uncomfortable in public and the revelation that her voting record was spotty was damning to many. Her handling of this latest fallout is also very telling of her lack of qualifications for the senate seat. She reported told the governor that she was still in the running, then she wasn’t and issued a one-sentence statement. Really, is that what you would expect from someone qualified for the job? She seems like a deer caught between headlights on a dark and windy road. So, she had her PR people put out some information saying her decision to withdraw was person. Exactly what is so personal? As they say, the show must go on. Next.

Filed under: Backs out of Race, Carolyn Kennedy, Edward Schlossberg, Hillary Clinton, Inexperience, Nanny or Tax Problems, NYS Senate Seat, Rollout, Spotty Voting Record