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Carol Carter, Hillsborough GOP Committeewoman Quits Over E-Mail

Another politician resigns over racist a racist email. When will these people ever learn. Veteran Hillsborough County Republican Party official Carol Carter, has resigned after forwarding a racially tinged e-mail to a handful of friends that was leaked to others in the party and became public. She becomes the third prominent local Republican in four months in Hillsborough county to be stung by controversy over emails with racial overtones or yes, the favorite, the anti-Obama tinged hate emails.

Carter’s email, sent Friday, was a joke saying black people were able to travel to Washington D.C. for the inauguration, but unable to evacuate New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

“Amazing,” said the subject line.

“I’m confused. How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn’t get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice?” Source: TBO

In an interview today, Carter said she’s not a racist and that she has supported black candidates and black Republican organizations. But she also seemed to blame those who saw the joke for overreacting. State GOP Chairman Jim Greer said that, as a result of the email, he was considering removing her from the committeewoman’s post. Well, she beat him to it. She resigned on her own accord.

In two incidents in October as reported by Tampa Bay Online:

Prominent GOP fundraiser Al Austin forwarded an email joke that referred to killing Obama. Austin said he hadn’t carefully read the piece before forwarding it and apologized.

Former county GOP Chairman David Storck passed along an email from a local party volunteer lamenting the large number of black people going to a Brandon early-voting site. Storck also apologized and did not run for re-election as chairman in the party’s December election. Cox-Roush replaced him.

It is time for people such as Carol Carter to learn sensitivity towards others. Funny, all the hate e-mails and hate things lobbed at Barack Obama, he still prevailed and became our president. Can’t these people see that hate is counterproductive? Sheesh.

Filed under: Al Austin, Anti-Obama email, Carol Carter, David Storck, Hillsborough County, Racially-tinged e-mail