Black Political Thought


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Nearly 10 percent of Georgia State Legislators are Late Filing or Paying Their State Taxes

Sometimes people have legitimate reasons for being late with filing their state and federal taxes, but I think legislators who deliberately skirt the law to avoid paying taxes should be punished to the fullest extent possible. There is a serious disconnect between their failure to file and their positions as legislators who can affect our lives in so many ways. According to the Telegraph, nearly 10 percent of Georgia state legislators are late filing or paying their state taxes, and state Sen. Robert Brown is apparently among them.

Brown, D-Macon, said Wednesday he’s not sure whether he actually owes the state or federal government any money because he hasn’t filed tax returns. He said he’s gotten extensions, but he declined to give more information or say for what years he received filing extensions.

He told Atlanta station WXIA-TV that he had not filed his income taxes at least in the past two years, according to a report on the station’s Web site. He volunteered the information while arguing against a change in Senate rules that would make it easier for the body to take action against, or even expel, members who don’t pay their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service ought to undertake such studies in all states and I am pretty sure they will hit a gold mine. There’ll be many more scumbag legislators who deliberately avoid paying their taxes.

That effort came in response to the discovery late last week that 19 legislators had failed to pay income taxes, some for several years. Those legislators have not been identified, due to Georgia Department of Revenue and federal Internal Revenue Service privacy policies. But a list, without names, was prepared and given to the chairmen of the House and Senate ethics committees, at their request, Revenue Commissioner Bart Graham said.

Graham said Wednesday that the list has grown to 22, with three of the legislators actually having liens levied against them or wages garnished so taxes could be collected. That would make their names public record, but Graham said Wednesday evening that he didn’t know them off the top of his head. Source:

What is sad is that some of these legislators are repeat offenders. They ought to be expelled from their positions. I can see one time or two times at the most, but to be a repeat offender basically means these people don’t care and they should not be in such a position to effect change in Georgia. Another interesting nugget, they are both Democrats and Republicans among the 22 members.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

Filed under: Democrats, Failure to Pay Taxes, Internal Revenue Service, Repeat Offenders, Republicans, State Senator Robert Brown, State Taxes

Christopher J. Warren, Mortgage Fraud Suspect Caught at Canadian Border With $1M in Swiss Bank Certificates, $70,000 Stuffed in Boots

Christopher J. Warren, scumbag extraordinaire, and a suspect in a nationwide mortgage fraud scheme who fled the country, was caught at the Canadian border with $1 million in Swiss bank certificates and $70,000 stuffed in his cowboy boots.

Warren, 27, also was carrying four ounces of platinum valued at $1,420 an ounce when he was arrested early Wednesday while entering the United States at Buffalo, N.Y. After he disappeared Feb. 3, he was charged with conspiracy, fraud and conducting a continuing financial crime. If convicted, he faces life in prison.

He is the second of three fugitives to be caught in the ongoing fraud investigation of Loomis Wealth Solutions, a Roseville, Calif.-based investment company, and several related companies. Court documents alleged they defrauded investors and mortgage companies of $100 million since 2006. The fraudulent deals involved 500 homes and condominiums in California, Florida, Nevada, Illinois, Colorado and Arizona, according to Internal Revenue Service affidavits.

Authorities believe Warren also had brought to Lebanon $4 million to $5 million in gold, which he had shown some of the flight crew, but that has not been recovered, Brown said. “He’s a man of high style — all of it ill-gotten,” the prosecutor said. Source: Yahoo News

Here is the galling part in all this. We have conservative nutjobs like Michelle Malkin literally ridiculing Henrietta Hughes, the homeless woman who made her case to President Obama while he was in Fort Meyers, but she has been strangely silent when the rich dirt bags get caught for literally raping the system and innocent people like Ms. Hughes. Funny, I can’t seem to remember her being outraged by the actions as scumbags such as Christopher Warren, among others. She takes offense to what President Obama is doing, but where is her solution to the problems working class people face in this country? Wait. She has no solutions. Just a loud voice.

Filed under: Christopher Warren, Henrietta Hughes, Internal Revenue Service, Loomis Wealth Solutions, Michelle Malkin, Mortgage Fraud

Prosecutors Seek to Seek Jail for Ex-Mayor Marion Barry for Failing to File His Taxes the Eighth Time in Nine Years

Well, Washington D.C.’s ex-mayor Marion Barry is in the news again. And yes, the possibility of prison is being thrown around again. Either this man is a complete moron or he’s insane. Prosecutors asked a federal judge Monday to send him to jail for failing to file his tax returns for the eighth time in nine years. The man is 72 years old. When is he going to take personal responsibility and stop acting with such reckless indifference. In a motion filed in U.S. District Court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Zeno said Barry, who’s also a current District of Columbia Council member did not file his taxes in 2007, violating his probation for previous tax offenses.

Barry was given three years of probation in 2006 after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges for failing to file his tax returns from 1999 to 2004. As part of a plea bargain, he agreed to file future federal and local tax returns annually. Two years ago, however, prosecutors sought to have that probation revoked after Barry failed to file his 2005 taxes. But U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson refused, ruling that prosecutors did not prove Barry willfully failed to file his returns, even if he was aware that he missed the deadline.

In Monday’s motion, prosecutors noted that Barry has now failed to file his taxes on time for the eighth time in nine years and called his conduct “indefensible.” “It is not acceptable for any citizen to shirk a basic civil duty, let alone a former mayor and a current city councilman who has been responsible in the past and continues to be responsible for spending public funds collected from District of Columbia taxpayers,” the motion states. Source: WTOP

So, any fool knows that once you are on probation, you have to be very careful not to violate the terms or prison is a very real possibility. Now, had that been you or I, we would be incarcerated. Why is it that the Internal Revenue Service picks on the “little people” and tax vagrants like Marion Barry are given the benefit of the doubt repeatedly?

Barry is no stranger to a prison cell, so he should be right at home if he is incarcerated this time around. In 1990, during the third term of his four terms, he was videotaped in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine in an FBI sting. He served a six-month prison sentence and in 1994 was re-elected to the mayor’s office for another four-year term.

Filed under: Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Zeno, Failed to File Tax Returns, Internal Revenue Service, Marion Barry, Probation Violation, Seeks Jail Time, Washington D.C.