Black Political Thought


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Washington Times: President Obama Snubs Black Press at Presidential Press Conference


I guess this sense of entitlement that is gaining strength among some members of the black community has found its way to the press conference President Obama held last night. According to Joseph Curl of the Washington Times President Obama has snubbed the black press. Wow. The black press was hopping mad. They called it “window dressing” because Hazel Edney, a reporter from the National Newspaper Publishing Association found herself in the front row. She said that “We were nothing more than window dressing.” Alongside her were the top news agencies, Associated Press, Reuters; also up front, 86-year-old Helen Thomas, who started covering presidents 50 years ago.

Alongside the most prominent journalists in America was Tiffany Cross from Black Entertainment Television. Like Miss Edney, she didn’t know why she was in first-class while all the television networks – every single one – was exiled to the steerage compartment.

“I really don’t know why I’m up here,” Miss Cross said with a shy smile.
While most on the front row got to pose a question to President Obama, the two reporters from the black press did not. Nor did any other black-press reporter, for that matter.

“This was like Reagan, when he’d put all the blacks up front,” said another prominent but visibly peeved black-press reporter who asked to remain anonymous. “He oughta’ be ashamed.” Source: Washington Times

I am beginning to wonder if people are that jaded into thinking that President Obama needs to bend over to please blacks more than any other ethnic background. In case these same people haven’t noticed, he didn’t get into the White House solely on the black vote. It is so evident that some people are focusing on the wrong thing. In case you haven’t noticed, we are in a recession and actually teetering on the verge of a depression. Who cares about the seating arrangements at the press conference? So some black reporters got to sit in the front row? Big deal. This is much ado about nothing.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE

Filed under: Black Entertainment Television, Black Reporters, Hazel Edney, Joseph Curl, National Newspaper Publishing Association, Snubbed by President Obama, Tiffany Cross, Washington Times