Black Political Thought


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New Jersey thinks that mistresses may be entitled to palimony payments after the breakup

Think your mistress or man on the side can’t sue you for palimony? Well think again:

In a decision described as the first of its type in the nation, the state Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a couple does not have to live together in order for one partner to sue the other for palimony after a breakup. The high court ruled that judges should consider the “entirety” of a couple’s relationship, and that cohabitation is only one factor in deciding whether they had a “marital-type relationship.” Source: Glenn Sacks

First of all, if you are married you shouldn’t have a woman or man on the side to begin with. However, if you are stupid enough to do so, then you deserve whatever you get.

Despite my contempt for those who choose to destroy their families with infidelity, it is completely ludicrous that the person on the side should be entitled to anything after a breakup! This whole concept is just crazy and undermines all that is sacred about the committed religious and legal union of marriage.

In the unfortunate event that a child results from this unholy pairing, then by all means the CHILD should be supported by child support paid by the parent. However, the person on the side deserves nothing!

I liken awarding a mistress palimony akin to giving a bank robber his cut of the booty after being caught during the heist. It is just crazy!

Filed under: alimony, By Cheri Thomas, infidelity, new jersey, Social Commentary