Black Political Thought


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Tim Tebow, Florida Quarterback, Sports John 3:16 on Black Eyes in BCS Championship Game, Riles Some Sports Fans

Should religion and sports mix? That depends on who you ask. Many view Florida quarterback Tim Tebow’s actions when he appeared during the BCS championship game with “John 3:16” written on his black eye. Personally, that was his choice and why should he hide his religion because there are folks who don’t share his beliefs. Tebow is the son of missionaries and a devout Christian.

John 3:16 is of course probably the one bible verse you know if you even went to half an hour of Sunday school growing up:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Many fans are crying foul, saying that religion and sports shouldn’t mix. Others say they really couldn’t care less, it’s eye black. Frankly, I can’t see what the big deal is. I guess it is okay for people to display their sexual prowess in public, but for someone to display his love of the Lord, it is wrong. My question to you is, does seeing Tebow’s evangelical eye-black bother you after seeing in on TV for thirty seconds?

Filed under: BCS Championship, John 3, Religion and Sports, Tim Tebow