Black Political Thought


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Verizon Wireless in Hot Water Over ‘Technigga’ Skit by Loren Feldman and 1938 Media

For all those people with Verizon Wireless service and for those who are contemplating a switch, take heed and do your homework. You see, several civil rights activists and media watchdog groups are calling on the company to sever ties Loren Feldman and 1938 Media for promoting stereotypes about African Americans.

Loren Feldman, who is white, hosts and stars in a skit titled “Technigga” on the company’s website.In the skit, which lasts three minutes, Feldman wonders aloud about the lack of black technology bloggers on the Internet. “I’d love to see the black tech crunch and get a different cultural view on technology, that would be unbelievable,” he says in the skit. “I wonder what that would be like.”

After the screen fades out, Feldman comes back draped in a wave cap and costume jewelry representing fictional site “” He is later seen on camera drinking and discussing another fictional site, “” This is disgusting and grossly stereotypical. It is a shame that Verizon has done nothing about this

The bottom line is that Verizon CEO Lowell C. McAdam needs to demonstrate that the company understands the fact that they should demonstrate corporate responsibility and will not tolerate racism, or bigotry. The Verizon distribution deal with Feldman sends a horrible message that Verizon seeks to partner with racists like Feldman and that Verizon and CEO McAdam find nothing offensive with “TechNigga.” The word is not okay to be used in any variation by anyone and certainly not condoned by a corporate entity like Verizon and let me also add, Black Entertainment Television, also known as BET.

In his own words, his company cut a deal with Verizon Wireless VCAST. See below:


Loren Feldman also has a distribution deal with CNET, which is now on hold. For those of you who frequent CNET, I say by all means voice your criticism over this company. Chances are the deal will never go live.

The deal with Verizon Wireless’ went live on June 30th to three million mobile VCast users who had access to Feldman’s video content on their phone, as well as one million Fios broadband cable subscribers via video on demand. The deal, which was supposed to pay Feldman an undisclosed license fee, put the 1938Media brand next to YouTube, and other high profile partners. According to Washington Post’s TechCrunch, Verizon had created a 1938Media channel and gave Feldman the ability to bring in third party video content as well.

But it seems as though Verizon took notice of the mounting criticism over its association with this company. Verizon has claimed that it did not finance the videos but according to Feldman in an interview with TechCrunch, all the videos have in fact been pulled from Verizon and the deal is off. Thank God. This in no way means this man and his company will go away or “tame” the videos its puts out, but Verizon has taken notice. I am sure there is a company out there that will pay for this type of garbage and this man will surface again.

Filed under: Loren Feldman, Stereotypes, Verizon Wireless