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Sarah Palin Gets Cold Shoulder at Republican Governors Association’s Conference

Sarah Palin just can’t fade into the sunset like John McCain. She has given more interviews that I can count and for what? Many have said that she is positioning herself to the leader of the Republican Party, really Sarah? From the cold shoulder she was given in the Republican Governors Association’s annual conference, I wonder is she is still maintaining the same position.

Palin brought the most star power to the gathering – she is by far the front-running Republican in terms of network-TV interview time since Election Day. Palin told CNN Wednesday she was not “ruling out” out a run for the White House four years from now. “That is based on my philosophy that it’s crazy to close a door before you know what’s even open in front of you,” she said.

The conference is also a showcase for up-and-coming Republican governors who might want a crack at the Oval Office themselves, including Minnesota’s Tim Pawlenty, Florida’s Charlie Crist and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal. Who I consider to be serious contenders with something concrete to offer, instead of Sarah Palin. The problem for Sarah Palin is that none of them are rushing to her side.

When Tim Pawlenty said, “‘Drill, baby, drill!’ by itself is not an energy policy” – referring to the chant that became a staple of Palin’s rallies – the target of his tweak was clear. Still, Pawlenty also praised Palin as “an extremely talented person” who is “going to be one of the key voices for the party and for Republicans for a long time to come.” When asked if Palin was the best choice McCain could have made for a running mate, no one jumped to answer.

Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, who started the race in former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s corner but later worked for McCain, chimed in: “What happened here is the party and John dropped Sarah into the ninth inning of the World Series three runs down.”

Crist initially demurred when asked separately if Palin was a legitimate future possibility for the White House. “I think that’s up to her to decide. It’s a little early,” Crist laughed. Source: NY Daily News

So, I am still trying to figure out what has given Sarah Palin the idea that she could somehow by the next GOP Presidential candidate. She has a lot to learn and if that is her ambition, then she needs to stop giving interviews and start reading and learning about the policy issues out there. Funny, as a naturalized American, I had to take a test on American history before I was told I would be granted naturalization. That would be a good starting place for Sarah Palin. For what it is worth, Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton, who has a lot of experience, though very polarizing. Seems to me Sarah Palin doesn’t know when to quit. Some may call it determination and tenacity. I call it wearing out your welcome.

Sarah Palin should never have been placed on a national ticket. John McCain claimed she had a lot of experience, but history proves otherwise. She was incapable of running that tiny town Wasilla (6,715 residents) and her rise to the national political stage was the result of an impulsive unvetted selection by the poorly ran McCain campaign. Sarah Palin proved that she had no knowledge nor an interest in learning about American foreign and domestic policy. Her selection was one of the most disturbing occurrences in modern American political history.

The notion that Sarah Palin’s candidacy as vice president could somehow supersede the horrendous two-term presidency of George Bush was an insult to the American voter. She’s an idiot, plain and simple. She has derided bloggers, but let me interject, as a professional and a blogger, I am more educated than Sarah Palin has ever been. Mrs. Palin needs to wake up from the nightmare. She is deluded and delusional into thinking that the Republican Party, though in a mess, would entertain the thought that she is a viable candidate for the White House. The honor of being the first female president in American history is not reserved for an idiot like Sarah Palin. Surely, there are other more qualified and intellectually savvy women among us. Sarah Palin needs to cease this ridiculous media blitz she is taking herself on. By the way, who the hell is paying for this? Let me close by saying–Bobby Jindal, Charlie Crist and Tim Pawlenty would get my vote before I would cross party lines to vote for Sarah Palin.

Filed under: Bobby Jindal, Charlie Crist, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty