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Fox News Host Glenn Beck Launches ‘Comrade Update for ‘Communist Leader Obama’

Fox News and Glenn Beck have lost their minds. Am I surprised? No. So now they are openly calling President Obama a communist leader. I wonder what was President George W. Bush’s title? Judge for yourself.

Beck is no stranger to controversy and he is on the right cable news station to push the envelope ad nauseum. For example, he reported as true the idea floated on that a program the Obama administration is reportedly considering should be called the “Bad Asset Repository Fund.” Without noting that the reported program has not in fact been named, Beck then ridiculed the creators of the nonexistent name for failing to recognize that the acronym is “BARF.”

But the January 29 article that referenced the acronym BARF did not attribute it to the Obama administration, as Beck suggested. In fact, in the article — titled “Here Comes the BARF” — reporter Liz Moyer specifically noted that “[t]hey haven’t named it yet” before going on to write that it “would be truth in advertising” to call “a federal ‘bad bank’ to soak up toxic assets the Bad Asset Repository Fund.” (Source: Media Matters). So, the last person I would seek to learn from is Glenn Beck.

Filed under: Communist Leader, Fox News Channel, Glen Beck, President Barack H. Obama

Juan Williams Baselessly Attacks First Lady Michelle Obama, Claiming "Her Instinct is to Start with this ‘Blame America’ … Stuff"

I know that Bill O’Reilly just can’t stand the fact that Barack and Michelle Obama are in the White House, but I could not believe that Juan Williams has sunk to a new low. What happen to the choking up after Barack Obama was inaugurated as our next president? What a hypocrite. I don’t watch Faux News very much, but I decided to check out “The O’Reilly Factor,” on Monday. Boy was I steamed. Well, Juan Williams baselessly attacked First Lady Obama claiming that “her instinct is to start with this ‘blame America’ … stuff.” He further asserted that Michelle Obama’s “instinct” is to “blame America” or be “the victim,” and said she has “this Stokely Carmichael-in-a-designer-dress thing going.” What a load of crap! Williams also said that she could be a “liability” or an “albatross” for President Barack Obama. Williams previously claimed Michelle Obama sometimes uses “this kind of militant anger.” Wait, haven’t we been through this questioning of her patriotism before and it proved baseless? Juan Williams is a good old “Uncle Tom” for Faux News. I don’t know who lied and told Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity that they are the moral compasses of the United States.

To read the entire commentary from Media Matters, CLICK HERE.

Filed under: Bill O'Reilly, First Lady Michelle Obama, Fox News Channel, Juan Williams, President Barack H. Obama, Sean Hannity, Stokely Carmichael

Fox News and President Bush, a Relationship that Keeps on Ticking, Even to the Very End

Fox News and President Bush, friends to the very end. Of course you will remember that former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Bush administration officials sometimes let it be known that they stuck with Fox News for their informational needs. And on Tuesday, Fox News returned the favor, even as the rest of Washington remained gripped by Obama fever.

Late Tuesday afternoon, Fox News was the only major national TV outlet that carried a live telecast of former President Bush’s homecoming speech to cheering supporters in Midland, Texas. Geez, why am I not surprised. Bill O’Reilly literally shrugged off the massive crowds in Washington D.C. to a “John F. Kennedy thing.”

The rest of the networks, however, did not see the Bush address as news fit to broadcast. At 6:40 p.m. EST, MSNBC was in the middle of “Hardball,” with host Chris Matthews and guests batting around the meaning of Obama’s swearing-in. CNN was carrying live ongoing coverage of the final moments of the inaugural parade, with the Obamas beaming from the White House reviewing stand.

The broadcast networks likewise did not cover the Bush speech. Bush had eight years of media spotlight and this was not his hour.I can’t remember the media following Bill Clinton around in the wee hours after his presidency was over. But I am not surprised, Fox News Channel is biased and they will literally hang on to every word President Obama utters to pick it apart.

Filed under: Bill O'Reilly, Former President George W. Bush, Former VP Dick Cheney, Fox News Channel, President Barack H. Obama, Television Coverage