Black Political Thought


Just another weblog

Betsey Ramsdale, Beaver Dam Middle School Teacher, Placed on Administrative Leave for Facebook Page Picture With Rifle Trained at Camera

Facebook made it in the news again as middle school teacher Betsey Ramsdale is put on administrative leave by Beaver Dam school officials for her photographed with a rifle trained on a camera on her Facebook page. It is amazing that people don’t realize that there are millions of people on Facebook and it could work against you, especially a teacher having a profile picture such as this.

Apparently, the Facebook photo was brought to the attention of school district officials by a concerned staff member at Beaver Dam Middle School. Ramsdale’s biography on the school district website states she is in her first year of teaching at the middle school. Department of Public Instruction records show Ramsdale has been licensed to teach since 1996. People have to be careful what they post on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and all the other social media websites. You never know who is watching you and what the repercussions will be.

Filed under: Administrative Leave, Beaver Dam Middle School, Betsey Ramsdale, Facebook, Poor Judgment, Rifle

‘Impeach Barack Obama’ Groups Pop up on Facebook, Membership Brisk

Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States, but groups are popping up online calling for his impeachment. Totally ridiculous!

The “Impeach Barack Obam” group on Facebook group has attracted more than 700 members. Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because “we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama.” It said that “there are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they’ve elected Obama as president.”

There is yet another Facebook group, “Impeach Barack Hussein Obama.” It states that Obama “has voiced support for various unconstitutional programs such as the assault weapons ban, universal healthcare, and various schemes for wealth distribution.” It says “what are we going to do about it? IMPEACH HIM!”

Though Barack Obama has some way to go, however, to equal the number of “Impeach George Bush” groups on Facebook, which lists at least 95 such groups with varying membership, nonetheless this is ridiculous. The guy isn’t even in office yet.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Facebook, Impeachment, President George Bush