Black Political Thought


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CIA Destroys Nearly 100 Tapes of Terror Interrogations, Do You Smell a Rat?

So as all the right wingers are coming down on President Obama for trying to clean this mess up, new documents show the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations. Gee, I wonder why? Did they have something to hide?

According to media reports, the figure is far higher than the handful of recordings the agency has previously admitted destroying, and the revelation comes as a criminal prosecutor is wrapping up his investigation in the matter.

It’s amazing that they acknowledged this, which comes on the heels of the American Civil Liberties Union‘s lawsuit seeking more details of terror interrogation programs. As you know, the tapes became a bone of contention in the trial of Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, after prosecutors initially claimed no such recordings existed, then acknowledged two videotapes and one audiotape had been made.

So, do you smell a rat? I do and it’s got the Bush Administration written all over it.

Filed under: American Civil Liberties Union, CIA Terror Interrogation, Destruction of Tapes, Former President George W. Bush, September 11 Terrorist Attacks, Zacarias Moussaoui