Black Political Thought


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Ann Coulter’s Appearance on the "Today Show" Gets Cancelled

I was pleasantly amused to learn that Ann Coulter, the moral compass of the right wing, got shafted by NBC. Apparently, her appearance on the “Today Show” has been cancelled. HURRAH. NBC had come under fire for booking Coulter, who had been scheduled to promote her new book, Guilty, on the “Today” show Thursday morning.

The liberal media watchdog group Media Matters launched a campaign last week asking, “Is NBC going to help Coulter sell this book?” In the book, Coulter repeatedly refers to President-Elect Obama as B. Hussein Obama, and mocks Michelle Obama’s style while praising Cindy McCain’s.”I wrote about this very subject this past weekend.

In the book, Coulter repeatedly refers to President-Elect Obama as B. Hussein Obama, and mocks Michelle Obama’s style while praising Cindy McCain’s. As I said in my article, Ann Coulter is a sack of skin and bones. She is the last person who should be criticizing anyone about their appearance.

Examples of such comments from Guilty, as excerpted from Media Matters, include the following:

Coulter says the Democratic primaries were a contest of “Who’s the Biggest Pussy?”:
Liberals’ hysterical obsession with the “Republican Attack Machine” turns Democratic primaries into a contest of: “Who’s the Biggest Pussy?” Although I would have voted for “All of Them,” inasmuch as none of the Democrats could face questions from Fox News’s Brit Hume, the winner turned out to be [Barack] Obama. Hillary [Clinton] claimed to be a victim of Republicans, while Obama claimed to be a victim of Republicans, Hillary, and racists. [Page 79]

Coulter later suggests that Sen. John McCain should also be nominated for this contest:

Alas, despite liberals’ terrific fear of John McCain and the Republican Attack Machine, evidently McCain was more afraid of the real attack machine: the mainstream media. He wasted no time in denouncing the North Carolina ad. Obeying the media’s command that Republicans not mention any facts unfavorable to Obama, McCain said, “There’s no place for that kind of campaigning, and the American people don’t want it.” He promptly fired off a letter to the North Carolina Republican Party presuming to tell them not to run the ad.

Say, is it too late to nominate someone else for that “Who’s the Biggest Pussy” contest? [Page 88]

Coulter calls children whose parents divorce “future strippers” in a chapter titled “Victim of a Crime? Thank a Single Mother”:
In any event, divorced mothers should be called “divorced mothers,” not “single mothers.” We also have a term for the youngsters involved: “the children of divorce,” or as I call them, “future strippers.” It is a mark of how attractive it is to be a phony victim that divorcées will often claim to belong to the more disreputable category of “single mothers.” [Page 36]

Later in the chapter, Coulter writes: “Single motherhood is like a farm team for future criminals and social outcasts.” [Page 38]

Coulter, discussing “Republican turncoats,” remarks that “their gender always remains the same. They are women, not limited to the biological sense”:
On the bright side, look at how low the mainstream media have had to stoop lately to find their Republican heretics. The most famous “former Republican” is Kevin Phillips, who attended Bronx High School of Science, Colgate University, the University of Edinburgh, and Harvard Law School. Even John Dean was at least a practicing lawyer. The 2008 version is Kathleen Parker, who went to Converse College and the University of San Francisco. The educational attainments of Republican turncoats may change, but curiously, their gender always remains the same. They are women, not limited to the biological sense. [Page 114]

Coulter claims that Obama, actress Halle Berry, and musician Alicia Keys “race bait[ed] their way to success”:

Even grifters know that to be embraced by the cool people in America, you must claim to be a victim, preferably abused by religious fundamentalists.

In a related phenomenon, various half-black celebrities insist on representing themselves simply as “black” — the better to race-bait their way to success. Actress Halle Berry, singer Alicia Keys, and matinee idol Barack Obama were all abandoned by their black fathers and raised by their white mothers. But instead of seeing themselves as half-white, they prefer to see the glass as half-black. They all choose to identify with the fathers who ditched them, while insulting the women who struggled to raise them.

In 2002, Berry engaged in wild race-baiting to win her Oscar and then ate up most of the awards show with an interminable acceptance speech claiming that her award was “so much bigger than me.” People who say “it’s bigger than me” always mean it’s just about them. During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama repeatedly said the exact same thing: “This election is bigger than me.” Would they be able to pawn off their personal victories as transformative events for the nation if they were not claiming to be doing it for the blacks? [Page 7]

Coulter calls former White House press secretary Scott McClellan “retarded” after describing a fictional scene of “washed-up Republican functionaries like McClellan showing up in a basement office at NBC and announcing they want to be rewarded for snitching on a Republican”:

The media accuse Republicans of playing dirty pool, but they turn to the retarded press secretary for an attack on his former boss. [Page 118]

Coulter states that New York Times columnist Frank Rich “became qualified to comment on U.S. foreign policy, national security, and presidential politics after spending a childhood dancing his favorite numbers from Oklahoma! in his mother’s panties”:
Rich, who became qualified to comment on U.S. foreign policy, national security, and presidential politics after spending a childhood dancing his favorite numbers from Oklahoma! in his mother’s panties and then spending twelve years reviewing theater for the New York Times, attacked [former Talon News “Washington Bureau Chief” Jeff] Gannon for not being a “real newsman.” Not only that, but, Rich breathlessly reported, there were “embarrassing blogosphere revelations linking [Gannon] to sites like and to an apparently promising career as an X-rated $200-per-hour ‘escort.’ ” In Rich’s estimation, $200 an hour was way too much to pay a male escort who wasn’t Latino. Now, if there’s anybody in this world who knows what a real man is, it’s Frank Rich. But as for knowing what a real newsman is, that’s another story. [Page 198]

Coulter later wrote: “The entire scandal that Frank Rich complained was not getting enough attention was that Gannon was a gay Republican. (Because if there’s one thing Frank Rich can’t abide, it’s a gay man who’s too scared to come out of the closet).” [Page 200]

Coulter calls Newsweek contributing editor Eleanor Clift a “braying left-wing slattern”:

But according to [New York Times columnist Paul] Krugman the “pretty honest” Clinton administration was victimized by unfair news coverage. The only living human who might agree with that assessment is Bill Clinton, who derisively referred to Newsweek magazine as “the house organ of Paula Jones” — an unfortunate use of “Paula Jones” and “organ” in the same sentence.

Yes, he was referring to the magazine that refused to report Paula Jones’s accusations against Clinton for months, described Jones as a “dogpatch Madonna,” killed Michael Isikoff’s exclusive on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and unaccountably employs braying left-wing slattern Eleanor Clift, who named Clinton the “Biggest Winner of the Year” for being “a colossus on the world stage” in 1999 — the very year Clinton was impeached and the entire Supreme Court boycotted his State of the Union Address. [Page 193]

Coulter describes Code Pink co-founders Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans as “storm troopers” and “satanic dervishes”:

Why do Republicans never learn? They will never get credit for apologizing to the endless stream of fake liberal victims. Instead, everyone sees that Republicans are milquetoast sops. Republicans have turned themselves into such doormats that a major Obama fundraiser felt free to sneak into the Republican National Convention to disrupt Sarah Palin’s speech — and then portray herself as a victim of the Republicans for being asked to leave.

The storm troopers at the Republican National Convention were Jodie Evans, a major Obama fundraiser, and her fellow outside agitator, Medea Benjamin.

And Republicans fall for fake victims every time. Blake Hall, one of the Republican delegates who removed the screaming banshees, sent an e-mail to the Idaho Falls Post Register contritely explaining that the protesters had “violated convention rules by being in a place not permitted by their guest passes.” He continued defensively, “They were asked to cease and they refused.” And — as Palin continued to try to speak over the disrupters — they “continued their disorderly behavior at which point I was requested by the Sergeant at Arms and other deputies to assist in their removal.” Not exactly Ronald Reagan saying, “I’m paying for this microphone!” Republicans are apologetic about not supinely turning over their convention to satanic dervishes. [Pages 177-178, 179]

Discussing former Virginia Sen. George Allen’s calling S.R. Sidarth — a volunteer who was videotaping Allen for James Webb, Allen’s Democratic opponent in 2006 –“macaca,” Coulter refers to Sidarth and other campaign trackers as “little Nazi block-watchers”:

At one of his campaign speeches, Allen jokingly introduced a “tracker” from the campaign of his Democratic opponent, Jim Webb, to the audience. Trackers are little Nazi block-watchers, who follow a candidate around, recording everything he says — and everything his audience says — so the selectively edited videos can be posted online for ridicule. [Page 165]

Coulter makes several other references to the Nazis and the Holocaust in the book, including the following:

Not surprisingly, Hollywood has taken a leading role in portraying single mothers as victims, while relentlessly promoting promiscuity, single motherhood, prostitution, and divorce to the detriment of the most vulnerable members of society. But if anyone makes a peep of criticism, suddenly it’s 1939 Germany and overpaid writers from Murphy Brown are the Jews. [Page 45]

The most amazing thing liberals have done is create the myth of a compliant right-wing media with Republicans badgering baffled reporters into attacking Democrats. It’s so mad, it’s brilliant. It’s one kind of a lie to say the Holocaust was when the Swedes killed the Jews. But it’s another kind of lie entirely to say the Holocaust was when the Jews killed the Nazis. Liberals have actually neutralized the incredible press orchestration of left-wing propaganda by acting as if they are the victims of the all-powerful Republican National Committee. [Page 110]

Even stupid people — come to think of it, especially stupid people — will always take the path of least resistance. The young, the stupid, and the weak are invariably impressed with authority figures. College students in Weimar Germany emulated their Nazi-sympathizing professors just as college students in modern America emulate their America-hating professors and the stupid and weak in society at large emulate the liberal establishment.

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Barack Hussein, Michelle Obama, NBC, Today Show

Ann Coulter Sets Sights on Michelle Obama, Says She a Freakish Imitation of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Ann Coulter, A Fashion Horror Show

Well, right-wing nutjob Ann Coulter is at it again. She has written a new book entitled “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and their Assault on America,” in which she accuses the liberal left of playing victim when in fact, she states, they are the victimizers. Huh? She blasts incoming First Lady Michelle Obama as a freakish imitator of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Really Ann? You could never dream of looking as lady-like and dignified as Michelle Obama. You are skin and bones. Rough on the eyes too. The world is relieved that you will never be our First Lady.

Lashing out at the Michelle O, she wrote, “Her obvious imitation of Jackie O’s style – the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls – would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint.” Where has she been? From the moment Michelle hit the scene her look has been the same. But Coulter has a lot of praise for Cindy “Barbie Doll” McCain. She said of Mrs. McCain, “dressed well without freakishly imitating famous First Ladies in history.”

What I find abhorrent with Ann Coulter is the childish name-calling. She facetiously and snidely refers to Michelle as a “saint” and “Mother Teresa” and suggests that her public service career “advanced in lockstep with the political advancement of her husband.” Wow, tough words coming from a lady who has served the public well–as a nuisance. Now, there are many choice words to describe Ann Coulter, but most people dismiss her as an insignificant distraction. She also states that the media “literally wanted to have sex with him.” Too bad Ann Coulter won’t be on the receiving end of such a fantasy. The thought of Ann Coulter having sex with anyone is nauseating. Yuck!

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Cindy McCain, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John McCain, Liberalism, Michelle Obama, New Book

NY Gov. David Patterson Says "Once You Go Black, You Don’t Go Back" at Girdiron Dinner

New York Governor David Patterson has put his foot in his mouth, but is it fair to hold his feet to the fire? He reportedly said “once you go black, you don’t go back.” These comments were made at the Gridiron dinner, which is an off-the-record dinner with journalists and politicians who sing songs, do skits and make fun of each other.

Paterson’s speech was certainly no exception. Even though he became governor of New York in quite a surprising fashion, it’s not the governor title that he wants, apparently. Paterson’s real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama’s footsteps and be president of the United States, because: “Once you go black, you don’t go back.”

He also joked about how he’s receiving all these phone calls from people seeking to take HRC’s Senate seat and played real voicemails from HRC, Chuck Schumer (who were in on the gag) and even himself. Source: Politico

Well, here we go. I can see the pundits and others throwing a hissy-fit over this one. I wish they would focus on the economy and the fact that Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain is fighting to get his $10 million even though the company literally imploded.

Schumer: “Hi Dave. It’s Chuck Schumer. I thought I would let you know my view on the Senate race. I have one criteria above all. I would like a devout Evangelical. That way, there will be no competition for Sunday press conferences.”

Hillary recommended that he not name a replacement, just have Schumer do both jobs. “Why does New York need two senators, anyhow? I know it’s a stretch, but I promised him I’d ask you,” her message says.

And Paterson’s own message to himself ends with: “Actually, I was thinking. If Chuck Schumer held both seats, that would be countervailing to the concept of one man, one vote. So we change the law to one ego, one vote.”

Personally, I am not offended by his comments. If he had deliberately insulted Hillary Clinton or made an offensive statement, then I would be the first to demand an apology. But for people to say he should step down for these comments is utterly ridiculous. The dinner was an off-record affair and the comment was clearly meant in jest. I wouldn’t lose sleep over this one but of course, I am sure people like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan probably will.

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Gov. David Patterson, Gridiron Dinner, Pat Buchanan, Racial Comments, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sen. Charles Schumer

Sheila Jackson-Lee Says Hurricanes should be Given "Black-Sounding" Names

I have no other recourse but to give you the entire article and my position as I read it on World Net Daily about Sheila Jackson-Lee’s latest campaign. I guess Ms. Jackson-Lee is trying to get on the good side of her constituents, but if you ask me, she’s perpetuating negative stereotypes. Read on…..

Do devastating hurricanes need help from affirmative action? A member of Congress apparently thinks so, and is demanding the storms be given names that sound “black.” The congressional newspaper the Hill reported this week that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, feels that the current names are too “lily white,” and is seeking to have better representation for names reflecting African-Americans and other ethnic groups. Again, this is an insult to any decent, self-respecting, hardworking, law-abiding black citizens.

“All racial groups should be represented,” Lee said, according to the Hill. She hoped federal weather officials “would try to be inclusive of African-American names.” A sampling of popular names that could be used include Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn, according to the paper.
Jackson Lee’s call is brewing its own storm of response across America.

Enter Rush Limbaugh….

Radio talk-show giant Rush Limbaugh says he was having dinner with his wife when he first learned of the proposal. “I just threw up my hands. I said, ‘Has it come to this now?'” Limbaugh recounted on his show. “There’s discrimination and actually elected officials wandering around worried about the discrimination in the name of hurricanes. And hurricanes are destructive. You know nobody’s very excited when a hurricane’s heading their way, and yet here she is demanding that hurricanes be named after black people.

“You know it used to be that hurricanes were named only after women because they were destructive and unpredictable. And that’s the reason. The feminists grew upset about that, demanded that hurricanes be named after men, and so now, the civil rights leaders are demanding black names for hurricanes. (Let me interject, Sheila Jackson-Lee is no civil rights leader!)

Limbaugh continued his analysis, saying it was not the mainstream populace responsible for what he called the “Balkanization” of race relations in America. “It is these elected black leaders, the civil-rights coalitions – they’re the ones that keep causing all this racial divide, they’re the ones that keep calling attention to all this,” said Limbaugh. “They’re the ones that keep stirring this pot. They’re the ones who don’t want there to be any colorblind society. They’re the ones who keep being agitated and trying to agitate others over all this, and now it’s descended into the meaningless element of the names of hurricanes.”

Historical context….

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, hurricanes were for centuries named after the Catholic saints’ days on which the storms fell. In 1953, the United States abandoned as confusing a two-year-old plan to name storms by a phonetic alphabet (Able, Baker, Charlie) when a new, international phonetic alphabet was introduced. That year, weather services began using female names for storms.

The practice of naming hurricanes solely after women came to an end in 1978 when men’s and women’s names were included in the Eastern North Pacific storm lists. In 1979, male and female names were included in lists for the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Final thoughts……

Sheila Jackson-Lee and all the people who agree with her proposal are, in essence, perpetuating negative stereotypes about so-called black names. It is also idiotic for her to suggest that the emergency management service utilize speech that more in line with how blacks speak. It is insulting that she could stoop to such a level. How is Ebonics going to help blacks in this country? Are we so insecure as blacks that we want to have hurricanes named after us? Ms. Jackson Lee and her cronies are engaging in a dangerous pattern of behavior that reinforces the opinions and positions of people such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan, among others. Didn’t she learn anything from Hillary Clinton, who has worked tirelessly for issues that affect children? If a white person had such a proposal, the entire mainstream media and everyone else, would call them racists and even go as far as to start boycotts. The bottom line is that there are way more important issues for the government to address, such as stemming the escalating gas and food prices we are confounded with, massive job layoffs across all industries and ensuring that what happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will never occur again. Just my thoughts, you be the judge…….

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Ebonics, NOAA, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Sheila Jackson-Lee

Washington Post Journalist Says Barack Obama More White than Black

I came across this article on Think Progress website and I must say that it is amazing at how we quantify race in this country. According the Think Progress, during a web chat, a questioner noted that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) has launched a new presidential campaign television ad, claiming it is “playing up his white family.” “Until now he’s been ‘African American;’ now suddenly he’s a white Midwesterner?” wrote the questioner. He or she then asked Post reporter Jonathan Weisman if Obama would be “criticized” for allegedly changing his image. Weisman responded by saying Obama’s “great irony” is that he “is much more white than black“:

Alexandria, Va. commenter: Obama’s new ad (which plays a lot in Alexandria) shows pictures of his mother and grandparents, playing up his white family. Until now he’s been “African American”; now suddenly he’s a white Midwesterner? During the primary Hillary was criticized for changing her image too many times. Won’t Obama be criticized for doing the same thing?

Jonathan Weisman: I haven’t heard that criticism, but it is striking. Not a single picture of his father. Now, that really is consistent with his upbringing. He really did not become immersed in black American culture until he left college and went to Chicago. The great irony is that he is much more white than black, beyond skin color.

Another questioner told Weisman, “I would caution against making statements such as ‘he’s more white than black,’” adding, “The problem is that this is a discussion the media (and perhaps society) is not familiar with, and consequently generalizes in a rather simplistic fashion.” Seeming to recognize his error, Weisman responded, “I expected this response, and I defer to you.”

This is truly unfortunate that as a Washington Post reporter, Weisman’s rhetoric is echoing that of right-wing nutjobs like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Beck once described Obama as “colorless” and said that “as a white guy…you don’t notice that he is black. So he might as well be white.” In 2007, Limbaugh said Obama should “renounce” his race and “become white.” Nearly a year later, he claimed that “Obama has disowned his white half. He’s decided he’s got to go all in on the black side.”

The levels some people sink to is really unconscionable, but a journalist is supposed to be fair and balanced (not Fox News’ interpretation, at least). Isn’t Barack Obama’s father black and his mother white? So, how is he more white than black? Totally ridiculous and insulting comments coming from a journalist at an establishment with so much history and respect as the Washington Post. Just my thoughts, you be the judge….

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Glen Beck, Jonathan Weissman, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Think Progress

ESPN Columnist Jamele Hill Likens Rooting for the Celtics to Adolf Hitler columnist Jemele Hill was suspended Monday over a column that said, “Rooting for the Celtics is like saying Hitler was a victim. It’s like hoping Gorbachev would get to the blinking red button before Reagan.” Wow, that’s a really idiotic thing to say. But the irony in this situation is how quickly she was suspended. When Kelly Tilghman made those comments about “lynching” Tiger Woods, it took a little while before she was suspended.

The offending phrases were edited out of Hill’s online column within hours, but ESPN spokesman Paul Melvin said, “Jemele has been relieved of her writing and on-air responsibilities for a period of time to reflect on the impact of her words.” Melvin had acknowledged “there was a breakdown in the system of editorial checks and balances” when the column was posted late Saturday. Asked Wednesday whether the editors who handled the column would also be punished, Melvin told Journal-isms in an e-mail, “We ARE looking at the entire situation, including the breakdown in editorial checks and balances, and we ARE dealing with that as well.”

Hill said in an ESPN statement, “In expressing my passion for the NBA and my hometown of Detroit I showed very poor judgment in the words I used. . . . This has been an important lesson for me and illustrates that, like many people, I still have a lot of growing and learning to do.”
Jessica Heslam, who has followed the story in the Boston Herald, wrote that “Hill’s suspension came as WBCN radio hosts Fred Toucher and Rich Shertenlieb branded her a hypocrite and demanded she be fired. So, funny how the media gets selective in reprimanding some employees for saying racist things and does nothing to others. Take Fox News for example–during Megyn Kelly’s broadcast Michelle Obama was described as “Obama baby mama” and I don’t believe anyone was suspended or reprimanded for that dust-up.

So, here we go, a witch hunt has ensued for Jamele Hill. For example, the media revisited another article she wrote. “In an April 2007 piece, she called for radio host Don Imus to get cashiered after his controversial 2007 ‘nappy-headed hos’ slur.” Boston Herald columnist Joe Fitzgerald invoked the memory of a Holocaust victim Wednesday to admonish, “There is nothing witty about using Hitler as a punch line.

ESPN’s statement said:
“Both Jemele and apologize. The column, as originally posted, made some uncharacteristic, but absolutely unacceptable comparisons. We’ve spoken with Jemele, and she understands that she exercised poor judgment. She’s been relieved of her responsibilities for a period of time to reflect on the impact of her words. Within hours of its posting on Saturday evening, the inappropriate references were removed from the site, but our system of checks and balances failed Jemele and our readers and we are addressing that as well.”

Final Thoughts….

Hill joined ESPN in 2006 to write for and ESPN: the Magazine. She was a sports columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, believed then to be the only African American woman writing a sports column for a mainstream daily. So, while her choice of words were actually insulting, if the truth be told, let’s hold her to the same standards as we have done for Imus, Sean Hannity, Pat Buchanan, Duane “Dog” Chapman, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Liz Trotta, Dick Morris, Laura Ingraham, Bill O’Reilly and the many other “geniuses” we have in the mainstream media. Just my thoughts, you be the judge.

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Jamele Hill, Kelly Tilghman, Liz Trotta, Pat Buchanan

Barack and Michelle Obama Fist Bump Raising Eyebrows in Media

I cannot believe that the media would make an issue out of Barack Obama and his wife Michelle’s fist bump. So, the man is hip. What’s the big deal? “Fist bump of hope!” wrote one Internet poster about the couple’s hand-to-hand show of solidarity. Obama told NBC‘s Brian Williams Wednesday night he is proud of that magical moment. “It captures what I love about my wife, which is that there is a reverence about her and a sense that for all the hoopla that I’m her husband and sometimes we’ll do silly things. “She’s proud of me and she gives me some credit once in a while, but I actually pull some things off.” So, I guess after Bill Clinton, no one can really expect or believe that Barack Obama and his wife could really love each other deeply and not have an agenda or doing it for a photo opportunity.

In my opinion, the affectionate 11-second exchange before Obama claimed victory as the Democratic presidential nominee highlights his youth and ability to transcend the stereotyped political gestures of campaigns past. If John McCain gives his wife a fist bump, then look out, someone call the paramedics. Yeah, the media had to get some psychological thoughts on the issue. “I would imagine to a young voter, this was another sign that these people are one of us,” said psychologist Drew Westen, author of “The Political Brain: The Role Of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation.” “People saw their willingness to display their affection in the way they really do – at home, or in private moments.”
Yeah, I remember Al and Tipper Gore‘s way-too-long nationally televised liplock, which the media said was done to deflect his wooden image or Bill and Hillary Clinton, in swimsuits, cavorting on a Virgin Islands beach, which the media said was the deflect the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit. You can’t win with the media, especially the right wing media that is looking to pick Barack and Michelle Obama apart.

As the couple met on the stage before a raucous crowd, Obama kissed her cheek as they hugged. The two exchanged a few quick words before Michelle raised her right fist, and Obama bumped it with his left. Michelle Obama then flashed a quick thumbs up and headed offstage, with her husband patting her gently on the lower back as she exited. Did anyone stop to think that this woman was just really proud of the accomplishment and major feat her man had just achieved?
“If it’s calculated, it’s a very good calculation,” said Dr. Judy Kuriansky, the well-known psychologist. “America wants to see what’s going on in the relationship.” The fist bump, she said, “was very hip, very cool, an ‘I’m-with-it’ move. It’s almost cocky.” Yeah, so now Michelle Obama is cocky? At least she cannot be called an airhead or a bitch, like some spouses. I won’t name anyone in particular.
To me, that was an unscripted moment that showed two people ecstatic about what had just transpired. Hey, I can’t recall seeing President Bush and his wife show any affection in public. Hell, I can’t say I ever saw Dick Cheney and his wife do anything slightly affectionate in public. John McCain, forget it! That would be totally out of his character. The way this fist bump is being responded to is so inane but it is actually partisan, in my humble opinion. Watch out, the conservative media including Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh may make this an issue. I read a comment to an article about this in the NY Daily News and I was actually baffled at how stupid some people are:

uberchristian Jun 5, 2008 8:24:35 AM Has Black Osama announced what gang he is affiliated with yet? I’m thinking he has to be a Crypt. Does an Osama Obama presidency mean that Crypts along with Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Putin and Fidel Castro will be attending White House State dinners for special events on Freedom? Wow, the substitute teacher will be at the head of the biggest classroom in the world. Maybe Osama Obama can hire David Dinkins and Marion Barry as is advisors. “Don’t diss your sis” Dave and “Crack is back” Marion can advise him on how to run his classroom. O’ Canada…………..

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, fist bump, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity

Mitt Romney to Suspend Campaign Operations

This is music to my ears and a deathknell to conservatives such as Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. Mitt Romney will announce his decision to quit the race for the nominee of the Republican party today. Praise God Almighty, we’re free from Mitt Romney at last!

Read on…..

Breaking news reports have surfaced saying that Mitt Romney will drop out of the Republican presidential race during his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday, FOX News has confirmed. Romney is “suspending” his campaign and will say so “during his speech,” a top aide told FOX News.

Romney has steadily lost ground over the past few weeks to John McCain, whose victories on Super Tuesday made a comeback for Romney extremely difficult. McCain is leading Romney by more than 3-1 in the delegate count, and Romney also was losing ground to Mike Huckabee, who picked up nearly as many victories as he did on Super Tuesday.

Wasn’t he telling Huckabee to drop out of the race because he was taking votes from him? I think it was the other way around–he was taking votes from Huckabee. No matter how you slice the cake, no one wants to vote for a Mormon to be President of the USA.

Good riddance….. Hillary Clinton may be next since she is obviously having problems raising funds. Ann Coulter, it’s time to step up to the plate and help Hillary Clinton out. She needs help raising money to beat Obama in the rest of the primaries and caucuses.

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity

Ann Coulter Would Rather Vote for Hillary Clinton Than John McCain

This is deep…. Ann Coulter, who we all love to hate, has said that she would rather vote for Hillary Clinton than John McCain. That’s some scary shit. In what can be considered a conservative backlash that is starting to build against John McCain, the conservative commentator said that she would be prepared to vote for Hillary Clinton. That is big considering that she absolutely hates the Clintons and it says how little faith some people have in John McCain.

Speaking on Fox’s “Hannity and Colmes,” Coulter said that the GOP frontrunner was little more than a Republican in name only. “If you are looking at substance rather than if there is an R or a D after his name, manifestly, if he’s our candidate, than Hillary is going to be our girl, because she’s more conservative than he is,” Coulter said. “I think she would be stronger on the war on terrorism.”

She cited some of his positions, including his strong anti-torture stance — and said he and Clinton differ little on the issues. Coulter also said she is prepared to campaign on Clinton’s behalf should McCain win the party’s nomination. “John McCain is not only bad for Republicanism, which he definitely is — he is bad for the country,” she said.

Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday McCain’s rise was the product of a ‘fractured’ conservative base and an “uninspiring” GOP presidential field. “He is not the choice of conservatives, as opposed to the choice of the Republican establishment — and that distinction is key,” Limbaugh continued. “The Republican establishment, which has long sought to rid the party of conservative influence since Reagan, is feeling a victory today as well as our friends in the media.” Oouch! That hurts!

Essentially what this means is that the Democratic Party must be a unified body going into the elections no matter who the nominee is. Funny, Coulter never said that she would vote for Obama. I wonder if she would vote for McCain if Obama is the nominee or sit out the elections. Personally, I have never cared much for a McCain presidency, which would mean we would be in Iraq for 100 years, as told in his words. That’s a scary proposition. You be the judge….

Filed under: Ann Coulter, Democrats, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Presidential Elections, Republicans, Sean Hannity