Black Political Thought


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NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous Plans to Hold Obama Accountable

The NAACP’s new leader, Ben Jealous, said that he intends to hold President Barack Obama accountable for his promises about civil rights, regardless of Obama’s status as the first black occupant of the White House. Oooh. I’m sure Barack Obama is scared. It really ticks me off when people, specifically groups like the NAACP, try to push their weight around. Newsflash. Barack Obama isn’t just the president for blacks. On the contrary.

NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous said that he expects “the traditional relationship” with Obama, just like any other president and NAACP leader.

Jealous outlined several issues for Obama to address during his first year in office, including double-digit black unemployment, discrimination in mortgage lending, unsolved homicides in minority communities and ensuring that minority children have access to good schools. So, I don’t see any reference to personal responsibility of the people in these communities. Barack Obama is supposed to wave a magic wand and all the problems in the inner city communities will disappear. Never mind the economic nightmare we are going through in this country. Crazy.

Filed under: Ben Jealous, Inner City Crime, NAACP, President Barack H. Obama