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Johnnie Jordan, Former Bailiff Says Judge Elizabeth Halverson Forced to Rub Her Feet

Well this story takes the cake….Former bailiff Johnnie Jordan testified against district court judge Elizabeth Halverson. The Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission began hearing testimony against Judge Halverson. She was suspended last year over several allegations, including that she fell asleep in court and mistreated her staff.

According to News 3, Johnnie Jordan sat before the State Judicial Discipline Commission with his former boss a mere few feet away and said that Halverson had no business being on the bench. Jordan said he first went to work for her in January of 2007. He was a brand new bailiff who thought it was his job to do whatever Halverson said, including rub her feet, make her lunch, and spy on other employees at the Regional Justice Center. Jordan also told Commissioners that a typical day in court involved Halverson taking frequent naps during trials. In addition, Halverson is also accused of speaking with jurors without attorneys being present. Okay, I have to call it as it really is–what a bitch!

Halverson was suspended last year after many of the accusations against her came to light. Judge Halverson will present her side of the case later this week. But she told News 3’s Denise Rosch that the allegations against her are meritless – as a new judge she made mistakes, but in her opinion, they did not rise to the level of misconduct. Mistakes? Asking an employee to rub your feet is just plain wrong. Why did he do it? Job security? He was reduced to a Stepin Fetchit character by this woman. I am glad he got his senses together and left the job. Nobody should ever be subjected to that kind of treatment.

The discipline hearing is expected to wrap up on Friday. Commissioners could decide to suspend Halverson for a longer period of time, issue a fine, or remove her from the bench. She is currently up for re-election. People, this is why it is important to vote and know the candidates you are voting for. Many people vote for a judge because of their party affiliation. You have to take the time to research the judges up for election in your cities. Too many incompetent people are getting elected. Take a look at the White House and Congress…..

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9 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. AiR FoRcE 1 says:

    I personally don’t see anything wrong with her receiving a foot rub. It would only be unprofessional if clients were around.

    If the bailiff was doing this to save his job then he’s an idiot who neglected to understand his job description, read the employee hand book and become familiar with his state’s employment laws. A foot rub is a favor not a duty.

    The judge’s discussions with the jury were very unethical and she should be penalized for that.

  2. Janet Shan says:

    Air Force 1–Glad to see you back again. I agree, if it’s done as a favor that’s one thing. Actually that’s a favor I wouldn’t do for my boss. If she has done the things she is accused of doing, specifically where the jury is concerned, then she needs to be kicked off the bench. It is so important for us the know about the people we are putting into elected offices. Many people are not familiar with the judges and they just vote for them based on their party affiliations.

    Thanks for the comments.

  3. LennieG says:

    LOL! The foot rubbing is where I draw the line. That judge makes Judge Judy look tame, huh?

  4. Puffy says:

    Johnnie Jordan has my most heartfelt sympathy. I am finding Judge Halverson’s demeanor, even in the disciplinary review setting to be defiant and arrogant. She is adept at deflecting by insisting her “rights” are being denied for multiple reasons. Her remarks while being questioned and how she answers questions was outrageous and completely disrespectful in this setting. On the other hand, this behaviour just supports what Johnnie Jordan alleges occurred in the first place. She is acting like she is above the disciplinary panel members and shows her disdain freely. Johnnie isn’t the only one saying she behaved inappropriately. Everyone else is lying and the judge is completely professional? I don’t think so, particularly after seeing her behaviour first hand.

  5. Brandy39 says:

    This woman is not fit to be called human she is a fat lazy pig and I feel sorry for Johnnie,I thought we had moved past slavery.This defendant need mental help and some weight watchers.I would have personally sued her for sexual harrasment if she even asked me to rub any part of her fat.
    As far as I’m concerned she’s a criminal not a judge.

  6. Janet Shan says:

    Lynn–I am with you on that. Yes, she certainly makes Judge Judy a real gem!

    Puffy –I agree with you. As I said, that beeyatch needs to go!

    Brandy — lazy she is. Look at her. I think she’s hooked up to some breathing apparatus. She needs to be kicked off the bench for being a really bad judge.

    To all–thanks for the comments.

  7. Brother OMi says:

    what bothers me is not at the judges audacity to mistreat people but the audacity of this judge to abuse her powers as a judge. surprisingly, several judges violate the bench without making their employees feel like we live in pre civil war south.

  8. Janet Shan says:

    Brother Omi–had I been one of her employees, I would have had to tell her off in a nice way. She is a horrible judge who deserves to be kicked off the bench.

  9. SMH says:

    Asking for or receiving a foot rub in the workplace is never appropriate, in my opinion. Never. Personal touching, such as foot rubs and back massages, crosses numerous boundaries both professionally and legally. Who, besides someone crazy with a massive ego, would think it would be okay to ask that of an employee or colleague?

    This woman is a wheeling superiority complex, among other things. She felt this man was beneath her and used her position to treat him like a modern day slave. That, to me, is what makes it especially heinous. Aside from having her blubbery, gelatinous feet rubbed she had this man making her lunch (in her microwave that is located in her BATHROOM-Ick!), putting her shoes on, and changing her oxygen refills among other tasks that might be appropriate if he were her home health aide. It bothers me that he complied with her ridiculous requests, whatever his reasons were.

    This woman is a trip! Check out the ABA Journal’s write up ( She had her husband sworn in to ask him if he’d have the house clean. Talk about trivializing the court and judicial process! She’s called 911 on staff seeking to retrieve personal items. She’s insane. She thinks she can do what she wants and that is dangerous. She needs to be catapulted off the bench immediately.