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Michelle Obama On Cover of Radar Magazine, in Semi-Controversial Frequently Asked Questions

Radar magazine has joined the fray as one of the growing list of magazines featuring Barack and Michelle Obama on their September covers. Radar’s upcoming issue features Michelle Obama on its cover asking the question–“What’s So Scary About Michelle Obama?” and offers what it calls “an insider’s guide to America’s next First Lady.”

According to Huffington Post, the meticulously footnoted insider’s guide, a semi-controversial FAQ penned by Ana Marie Cox, asks questions like, “Why does she hate whitey?” (“there is no public evidence of her ever using the word whitey“), “When was the precise moment she became proud of America?” (“Michelle Obama’s pride in America is long-standing, diffuse, and organic”), and “Why is she so angry?” (“She’s not angry; she is passionate”).

There are more standard questions as well, ranging from her childhood to her salary to her domestic skills, but the highlight of the 10-page spread is a sidebar by Stephen Sherrill that compares Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton on topics like “Style Icon” (Jackie Onassis for Michelle, Carol Burnett for Hillary), “Battle Experience” (Michelle dodged vicious sniping from talking heads, while Hillary dodged imaginary sniping in Bosnia), and “Retro Accessory” (fake pearls for Michelle, Bill Clinton for Hillary).

The full cover of Radar‘s September issue is included below. For an excerpt of the article, visit Radar’s website, and for the full article (including the Hillary Clinton side-by-side comparison) pick up the issue on newsstands starting August 19.

This is only going to get worse the closer we get to the presidential elections. Brace yourselves for the drama that will come from both sides.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Radar Magazine

2 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. Blog Queen says:

    it’s really shameful. Those in this country who “are” racist” like to think everyone else is. I’m so disgusted! America will be an embarrassment to the world if they allow McCain to win this thing.

  2. Janet Shan says:

    I guess they never expected a dark skinned woman to be on the verge of becoming the First Lady and making history. This election has brought out the worst in so many people and on so many levels and that is so disturbing. Thanks for the comments, as always.