Black Political Thought


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Cindy "Brainiac" McCain Says Sarah Palin has National Security Experience because Alaska Close to Russia

I almost fell off my chair when I read about Cindy “Brainiac” McCain’s comments about Sarah Palin’s national security experience. Her comments come on the heels of a ridiculous statement by Fox News morning host, Steve Doocy, who testified to Sarah Palin’s national security experience by saying that her state, Alaska, was so close to Russia. I guess Cindy McCain is dumber than I thought or she gets her talking points from those idiots at Fox News. This morning, on ABC in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Cindy McCain endorsed this very view. She was asked about Palin’s national security experience and she could not come up with anything beyond the fact that, after all, her state is right next to Russia. “You know, the experience that she comes from is, what she has done in government — and remember that Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia.”Let me go out on a limb here….what the hell does that comment mean? So, because Alaska is close to Russia, that has made her an expert on national security? That is so ridiculous and it shows that the McCain camp has no concept of what this woman will bring to the ticket other than making the social conservatives and evangelicals happy.

She added that Palin has “was more experience than….” but Stephanopoulos cut her off before she could say, for example, “Barack Obama” or maybe “others give her credit for.”Earlier, she said that Palin was “heavily experienced” in general, citing her going from the PTA to mayor to governor — and having a son headed for Iraq. She actually said that she started her political career at the PTA “like everybody else.” She also said she met her just before Palin’s meeting with McCain on Thursday and came away impressed that she too was a “reformer.”So, for all parents out there who are actively involved with the PTA, the mayor’s office is next for you and then a stab at the White House. What a bunch of morons. This is who they want people to vote for? You would never hear this crap coming out of Michelle Obama’s mouth. At least we hope so.

Of course, Palin put her foot in her mouth in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News. Reporter, Kyle Hopkins, asked, “Are you ready to be President Palin if necessary?””I am … I am up to the task, of course, of focusing on the challenges that face America,” she answered, and that was all she could say on her behalf on this question. Then she abruptly shifted to how her candidacy would help Alaska. “And I am very pleased with the situation that I am in, when, when you consider the situation now that Alaska will be in.”And that is Alaska, and Alaskans will be allowed to contribute more to our great country and they’ll be allowed to do that because I — if we’re elected — will be in a position of opening the eyes of the country to what it is that Alaska is all about and what Alaska has to offer. So, I am happy to and very honored to be asked to do this. I know it’s going to be great for Alaska.” People, that was a load of crap!

There is hope for all PTA presidents, you too can become a vice presidential candidate. Take a look at the city hall for Wasilla. I live in a small town and our city hall does not look like a store front. Talk about Cinderella hitting pay dirt!

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