Black Political Thought


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Gov. Sarah Palin’s Mother-In-Law Faye Palin has Doubts about her Being VP, Says She Enjoys Hearing Barack Obama

Dang, even Sarah Palin’s mother-in-law, Faye Palin, has doubts about her being a vice president. She said that she enjoys hearing Barack Obama speak and still has not decided which way she will vote. I guess she just made some her son mad. “We don’t agree on everything. But I respect her passion,” she said. “Being pro-life is who Sarah is.”

Faye Palin said the entire family was shocked by the news on Friday. “I’m not sure what she brings to the ticket other than she’s a woman and a conservative. Well, she’s a better speaker than McCain,” Faye Palin said with a laugh. “People will say she hasn’t been on the national scene long enough. But I believe she’s a quick study.”

She said people doubted Sarah Palin when she ran for City Council, but that her daughter-in-law had a “singular focus.” “She was out there with [then-young son] Track, pulling him around from house to house in a wagon,” she said.

Sarah Palin is well known as a former high school basketball star, cross-country runner, beauty queen, hockey mom, city council member and Wasilla’s mayor from 1996 to 2007. I guess, anyone from who was mayor of a town with 6,715 people or less, a former beauty queen, eats moose burgers, into hiking to work while supposedly pregnant, under legislative investigation, there’s hope for you to become a vice president.

Filed under: Barack Obama, Faye Palin, John McCain, Sarah Palin

3 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. Sacred_Honor says:

    My mother in-law is as much a tree hugging liberal as Obama is a communist in disguise. Because we disagree in our political views doesn’t make her wrong or right. It means we disagree. Maybe that’s the difference between blacks and whites – I can disagree with my mother in-law and still see her as a complete person. If she pulled an OJ, I would have the common sense, decency, and intellectual objectivity to realize it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What does sarah Palin think of her daughters black boy freind? Check out