Black Political Thought


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Bishop Thomas Weeks III Looking for a New Wife after Divorce from Juanita Bynum

The saga continues with Juanita Bynum’s ex-husband “Bishop” Thomas Weeks III, head of Duluth-based Global Destiny International Ministries. Well, hat tip to Hicktown Press, where I first read that he wants a new wife to mend his broken heart. Okay folks, nothing is wrong with that, but how he is going about finding that wife is problematic, at best. He’s going to find this wife on his own reality show. Is this how God intended one to find a spouse or significant other? Women, watch out, this guy is toxic. He is one of the do-as-I-say but not-as-I-do kind of pastor.

He’s basically skipping the usual path to romance: chance meetings, singles mixers, social networking, speeding dating, fix-ups. Single women, I see trouble. Steer clear of this train wreck. Oh, but he is also seeking advice from his followers. Isn’t this the man who wrote books on how to love a woman?

He will be documenting his efforts to open his heart to love again in 10 streaming video “Webisodes” starting next Tuesday on his Web site The idea came after Weeks was flooded with thousands of e-mails and letters from people offering advice about what to look for in his third wife. Some even offered to be his wife.

“There are some very adamant women,” says Weeks associate, Minister Guy Reeves of Global Destiny. “A lady from Belgium flew all the way here to meet him. She came to the campus. She wanted to be the next Mrs. Weeks like many others who have approached me about their strong desire to be Bishop Weeks’ wife.”

Weeks is opening his life to his followers so they can get a Christian perspective on dating and coping with the desire for intimacy. Aw geez, a human guinea pig!“What kind of advice would you give me about the new Mrs. Weeks?” he asks on a Web site promo of the episode.

“We will probably find in due time who is that perfect woman for me,” Weeks says. “This time I’m not going to limit it just to the local church … It’s a global ministry. We’ve got to have a global search.”

Weeks said that he is opening his life to his followers so they can get a Christian perspective on dating and coping with the desire for intimacy. Right! He’s trying to get publicity for his scheme, which will bring in some funds. Wasn’t he in dire financial straits? Again, woman, be very wary of a man who beats his wife. If he did it once, he’ll do it again. Let’s not forget that he is currently on probation for that attack. He was charged with aggravated assault as a first offender.

Filed under: Global Destiny International Ministries, Juanita Bynum, Thomas Weeks III

6 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. Blog Queen says:

    All I can say is…RUN WOMEN RUN!

  2. Brother OMi says:

    you have got to be kidding me…
    for real?

  3. Pastor G says:

    Ignorant. Just ignorant.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I really don’t believe the man beat the woman. Her bruises were minimal, those that look like a brother may have been trying to hold her(bynum) back. A man don’t wake up one morning and start being a batterer. If he had a history of this….TRUST…the media would have let us know. Fearful battered women don’t meet with their batterer. Been there, personally, it took me 25 years to face my batterer again. I wish the brother well. Never felt the sister.

  5. Janet Shan says:

    Anonymous — Weeks was pleaded guilty and is on probation for what happened to his wife. I can’t see how she could have inflicted those bruises herself. Furthermore, whether his attack on her was minimal or not, he had no right to hit her. That’s the crux of the matter.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ms Shan,
    as we very well know, many folk, especially in our(black community) plead in order to avoid other headaches like “jail time” because they truly can’t prove their case. Remember now this beating was supposed to be brutal, on the ground and being stomped. Surely her “bruises” didn’t show that. One almost needed a spy glass to see what she was pointing out. Her medical report would be a interesting read. We sisters have a way with our mouth sometimes, brothers got brut strength and sisters have that mouth. No this doesn’t constitute being physical, but what would we say if the brother spoke out about her hitting him? PUNK that’s what we’ll say! Wonder if she has a law suit pending.