Black Political Thought


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More Drama Follows Sarah Palin, McCain’s Vice Presidential Candidate

There is more drama surrounding Sarah Palin. I recently read on and Sagacious Ramblings that there is a rumor circulating about Mrs. Palin 5th pregnancy and who the child’s mother really is. This is all rather interesting and if true, this spells serious doom for John McCain’s chances to become the next president of the United States. All I can say is that the truth will come out real soon.

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3 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. bob says:

    I'm so pissed at you liberal smear artists as an Independent McCain just got my vote.
    Look at this proof from NORMAL people uploading their images

    SHOWING pregnant April 08

    compared to her earlier lean waistline

    Trim tummy AUG 05

    Trim Tummy AUG 07

    keep up the smears – it will just push more independents McCains way

  2. Anonymous says:

    oh hush, you can’t even see her stomach in that picture you posted. SO, mister independent, how do you explain Palin getting on a flight AFTER her water broke? Besides, that’s irrelevant, do you as an independent think she is even CLOSE to being qualified?!

  3. Anonymous says:

    bob, you’re obviously on the payroll for the republicans. sad that you can’t even bother changing your comment as you go from blog to blog trying to whitewash this story.